Our Placements at Work (and Beyond)

Transforming Mindsets through Meditation

We highly recommend you try this stress relieving guided meditation written and narrated by Uma Viswanathan, Senior Program Officer at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation who supports leadership that builds a Culture of Health. Uma’s guiding mission is to “invest in people as catalysts of their own transformation.”  Part of Uma’s professional life is making space for others to learn, connect, and transform mindsets.

We feel so fortunate to count Uma among our amazing placements and so delighted that Uma is sharing her creative self in a way that encourages us all to carve some space out for self-care in challenging times.


Musings of a Yogi: Shiva’s Locks, Uma Viswanathan, Insight Timer, November 19, 2020

Read more about Uma and Musings of a Yogi here