Intersectional Networks

We think in terms of intersectional networks of talent who are orbiting an issue area regardless of the type of organization or sector—philanthropy, nonprofit, academia, government, corporate, or consulting. We believe in network weaving—leaders pulling levers for change from where they sit for collective action.

Our projects span racial and social justice, policy, community transformation and resilience, equitable housing, economic mobility, workforce development, education, environmental justice, medical research and public health, health equity, and healthcare.

Our Orbits

Mission-Driven Organizations & Systems Change

We look beyond, working across sectors and issue areas including Advocacy; Racial and Social Justice; Policy; Education; Community Building;  Health Equity; Children and Families; and Economic and Environmental Resilience.


We think about grantmaking and grantseeking sides of social change in working with Foundations, Social Ventures,
and Philanthropic Serving Organizations.

Learning, Evaluation, & Research

As the field reflects on the role of these practices, our approach is informed by emergent learnings when working with
Foundations, Intermediaries, and Consulting Firms.

Resource Development & Engagement

We have a 360° perspective of advancement and audience engagement. Our team has extensive experience in the recruitment of talent across all functional areas of fundraising and marketing, and at every level from director to executive leadership across Nonprofits, Higher Education, Academic Medicine.

Shifting Paradigms

Beyond building diverse pools, we work with clients to address organizational barriers, challenging
long-held processes and unconscious bias and interrogating our own findings. We also look for ways to
address power imbalances in the field and build relationships that put us inside of networks instead of on
the fringe. Talent Citizen is a proud investment partner to the Equitable Evaluation Initiative,
which seeks to shift the paradigm of evaluation, exploring how it can be a tool of and for equity in the
social change space. In pursuit of equitable practice, we partnered with indigenous women-owned
think tank Roanhorse Consulting, LLC on a joint exploration of reframing search that centers
indigenous values and practice.